Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Trust is the first and foremost relationship we build with our clients at DCJackets.com All the information we hold is secured and only used for primary purposes. Please look into the following terms we follow in the capacity of our privacy policy.

What is the basic Info we need from you?

As a visitor of our website, we encourage everyone to visit our website and explore various exceptional products. However, for basic information, we seek your full name, contact number, posting address, and email to stay in contact with you and guide you about our amazing deals and sales offers.

Why do we need your details?

We make everything possible to bring convenience to our customers. We need your details so that it would be easier for your future transactions. Visitors may come and amaze their gaze with our outstanding clothing range, though, if one needs to upgrade his wardrobe and place an order. The person must complete details regarding personal and legitimate financial information (comprising Full name, postal address, delivery address, email address, and valid phone number becomes mandatory to put in).

What can we do with your information?

We at the DCJackets.com treat our customers as assets and use a high shield to protect their information. We are a registered and trustworthy website and only retain your sensitive data for transactional purposes. When you place an order and exchange your sensitive financial details, SSL (Secure Server Layer) obtains it, encrypts, and protects that information through the payment gateway of supplier databases. We keep your data intact, and additionally, after the successful completion of your transaction, we do not store your financial information with us.

Do we use cookies?

Cookies are treated as doors to remember our clients to us. We use cookies as they are those files that ultimately get saved in your computer after your permission and help your basic information get recognized. As you revisit the website, these cookies help us better remember you and your preferences.

Selling data to third parties:

You may have heard about this, but we at DCJackets.com treat trust as our top priority and ensure the safety of every piece of information you provide with our best knowledge.

COPPA act compliance:

DCJackets.com is strict towards compliance with COPPA and doesn’t entertain customers aged below 13.

Consent from Customers:

When our valued customers visit our virtual website, they intentionally click and consent to agree with our terms and policies.

Anything else you need to know?

We recommend that every customer who makes the perfect choice to shop at DCJackets.com read and understand the policies, terms, and conditions. This would help to strengthen the bond between DCJackets.com and our treasured clients. Yet, if you want further assistance, our customer care team is there to help you through Live chat, Whatsapp, and Email address.